Friday, July 31, 2009
Calgary Southeast Conservative EDA Garden Tour Fundraiser
Have a great long weekend!
The invitation can be found here...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Only $25Million for this Peace bridge...are you sure? ( and some alternate names?)

- "Don't throw rocks at small, cute kittens" Bridge? ( Because everybody loves kittens!)
- "FRIDAY" Bridge? ( Again...everyone loves Friday's!)
- "Druh Farrell's direct route out of council" bridge.
- "What a bloody waste of Money" Bridge.
- " We do not need to cut property taxes" Bridge.
- " The Piece of Shat" bridge.... ( Shortened to just the PEACE BRIDGE.)
- "Remember when Bronconnier was Mayor?" Bridge.
- "This would never happen if Ric McIver was mayor" Bridge.
- "I am sure the Wildrose Alliance will blame Premier Stelmach for this bridge" Bridge.
- "The Dollar Store Candy Cane" Bridge.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Has Calgary Transit really evolved over 100 years?

Friday, July 24, 2009
Back from New York...( and back to reality!)
For the 1st time in years, I chose not to use any Internet/email access, so I really came home "blind" to what was happening here. I cannot recall another time that I went without Internet/email for over a week....pretty odd! ( Well, not since at least 1995...)
Lots to talk about and lots to catch up on with my stack of papers in the front hall.
What did I miss?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New York, New York..

New York City: 8.2 million people / 830 sq. kms = 9,879 ppl per sq. km
Calgary: 1 million people / 745 sq. kms = 1,342 ppl per sq. km
By this logic, New York City is 7.4 times denser than Calgary.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Did the Tsuu Tina Nation make a massive mistake in rejecting the SW Ring Road Deal?

Monday, July 13, 2009
IF I was a Wildrose Alliance supporter...who would I vote for?
I had the opportunity to meet both of the WRAP leadership candidates at two different Stampede events last week, and thought I would put a quick post together about my thoughts on each of them.
Mark Dyrholm:

Now, I did not get a chance to have a lengthy discussion with Mark, because I had not yet eaten and did not think I could stomach it. My first impressions are usually right and I just could not picture this gentleman as the Premier of Alberta. While I am sure he is an honest, hardworking individual, in my opinion "he is just not for me....".
Danielle Smith:

While I saw Ms. Smith at the Heritage Park event, I did not get the chance to meet her that night. I did get to meet her shorty thereafter at a Private Stampede BBQ and had the opportunity to chat briefly. I found Ms. Smith charming and she did not have the stereotypical "fakeness" that some politicians carry. I was honest with her that I do not support her party ( I am a PC supporter) and gave her my thoughts on what this average Albertan was feeling about the current issues. She was respectful in her responses and I found her very intelligent and articulate.
Now, IF I were a WRAP supporter, It is clear who I would support here. Personally, (and from quick straw polls at some events over this past week) I think that Ms. Smith will win the leadership race handily with some more hard work. I know that Mr.Dyrholm's team is quite organized and It would not surprise me if Mr.Chandler already has already booked the charter buses to transport the voters to Edmonton in October, so he is definitely a contender.
The winner of this race determines the fate of the WRAP's future. Extreme/Fringe?... or Moderate/Contender?
Again, who cares what this PC supporter thinks right? These are just my thoughts.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday Fun- Stampede ( Next years Rodeo champ?)
Just for fun as we head into the final weekend of Stampede! Looks like this could be nexts years Rodeo,.. Champ.
Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Really..This Racist crap is still happening in Canada?
I was sickened beyond belief last night when I heard about this racist attack in Courtney, BC this week. I was even more shocked when I watched the video. This kind of bullsh*t makes me furious and I just cannot believe that it is still going on in Canada today.
This kind of nonsense really hits me on a personal level, as I have a brother and sister that are half black and my best friend of 25 years is of Haitian decent. Growing up in "redneck" Calgary, I rarely saw this kind of behaviour as kids, but it became more visible after we all became adults. I cannot imagine having to go through life facing these racist slurs and hate.
I know that there will always be clowns like these three hillbillies in our society, but I think that once you turn violent, you should be locked up for a long time. This kind of hate is just not acceptable anymore, so I have no problem removing these cancerous people out of my society.
I laughed when "Hitler's crew" saw that the gentleman could actually defend himself! They kind of surrounded him like a pack of scared hyena's waiting for the most cowardly moment to attack. Hopefully these gentlemen will be convicted and sent to prison for a long time. Maybe than they will learn to clean up their act, one dropped soap in the shower at a time. Good Riddance.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Stampede 2009.. Harper and Ignatieff set for a "shootout"?

Friday, July 3, 2009
No SW Ring Road? No Surprise to Me!
Chief Sandford Big Plume responded that the deal was " more than a simple economic transaction for us" and that "we consider our land to be a sacred trust". AS I said before, it is their land and they have the right to choose what they want to do with it. That said, I think that they have made a serious financial error by rejecting this offer.
Earlier this year, Chief Big Plume confirmed that the deal has to make economic sense. His quote is as follows: "Being so close to a major urban centre, we have to understand — and we gotta think 100, 120 years from now — where this nation will be and what kind of foundation this is going to leave. What kind of footprint it's going to leave for them. And in today's society, it's all economics, it's all fiscal responsibility, so we want to ensure that we leave a strong economic base for them." So, is it more than a simple economic transaction or not?
The money that the province would have provided could have been used to improve the housing situation on the reserve. ( Oh wait, I forgot that the Casino funds will eventually do that). The off ramp sites could have provided some excellent commercial development for the band, which could have generated even more long term funds for them. But again, it is not about money I guess?
I hope that the City/Province move onto other plans now and close the negotiation with the Tsuu Tina on this matter. Take the $200+ Million dollars and use it on another option. Once ( and if) we ever get the ring road built, I hope the plans call for a bridge over the entrance to the Grey Eagle Casino and the proposed Office/Retail Park they are planning on the "Black Bear Crossing" site. By doing this, we can avoid having Calgarian's vehicles enter onto their "Sacred Land Trust" and continue to respect the Band's wishes.
The Tsuu Tina people have spoken, so lets move on.